Ingeniería y automatización

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Artículos en la categoría Ingeniería y automatización publicados en las Actas de las XVII Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2022).
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  • Resumen
    Hybridizing humans and robots: An RPA horizon envisaged from the trenches
    Cabello Ruiz, Rafael; Jiménez Ramírez, Andrés; Escalona, M.J.; González Enríquez, José. Actas de las XVII Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2022), 2022-09-05.
    After the initial hype on RPA, companies have more realistic expectations of this technology. Its current mature vision relegates the end-to-end robotic automation to a less suitable place and considers the human-robot collaboration as the most natural way for automating robotic processes in real-world settings. This hybrid RPA implies a vertical segmentation of process activities, i.e., some activities are conducted by humans while robots do others. The literature lacks a general method that considers the technical aspect of the solution, the psychological impact of the automation, and the governance mechanisms that a running hybrid process requires. In this sense, this paper proposes an iterative method dealing with all these aspects and results from a series of industrial experiences. Additionally, the paper deeply discusses the role of process mining in this kind of method and how it can continuously boost its iterations. The initial validation of the method in real-world processes reports substantial benefits in terms of efficiency.
  • Artículo
    Detección de Comportamientos Anómalos Basados en la Utilización del Smartphone
    Flores-Martin, Daniel; Laso Mangas, Sergio; Berrocal, Javier; Murillo Rodríguez, Juan Manuel. Actas de las XVII Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2022), 2022-09-05.
    La situación de pandemia producida por el COVID-19 ha dificultado el acceso a los servicios médicos y al tratamiento personal. Para los adultos mayores, esto ha sido un problema importante debido a que a menudo necesitan asistencia de diferente tipo para facilitar su día a día. Se han puesto en marcha rápidamente diferentes tipos de soluciones para paliar este problema, como la telemedicina o la teleasistencia. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estas soluciones requieren que las personas realicen algunas acciones manualmente. Este artículo presenta una solución para monitorizar la actividad de las personas de forma transparente para ellas. Esta solución se basa en una aplicación móvil que registra sus movimientos y realiza una estimación sobre la actividad realizada, y una plataforma web que permite al personal autorizado solicitar esta información mediante el uso de diferentes tipos de microservicios. Esta aplicación ofrece una solución sencilla y de fácil acceso que permite el seguimiento de la actividad de los adultos mayores para conocer su estado y poder actuar en consecuencia en caso de situaciones inusuales.
  • Resumen
    Design Patterns for Board-based Collaborative Work Management Tools
    Bravo, Alfonso; Peña, Joaquin; Resinas, Manuel; Del Río Ortega, Adela; Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio. Actas de las XVII Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2022), 2022-09-05.
    Board-based software tools for managing collaborative work (e.g. Trello or Microsoft Planner) are highly configurable information systems. Their structure is based on boards that contain cards organized in lists. This structure allows users to organize a wide variety of formal or informal information and work processes in a very flexible way. However, this flexibility means that in every situation the user is required to make decisions to design a new board from scratch, which is not a straightforward task, specially if performed by non-technical users. In this paper, we carried out a study following an inductive approach consisting of analyzing 91 Trello board designs from both research works and board templates proposed by Trello users, which cover a wide variety of domains and use cases. The result is twofold. First, we propose a metamodel for designing boards that takes into account not only the structure of the board but also other decisions like the type of information cards manage and behavioural aspects of how cards flow. Second, we use this metamodel to identify and characterize 8 patterns that are commonly used in board designs. These results, applicable to all board-based tools, provide insights that can be useful for users to design solutions more effectively and efficiently and help us to better understand the roles that these information systems may play in the current enterprise information systems ecosystem.