Artículo: The Semantics of GQL-like Path Queries
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The success of graph databases (GDBs) has caused the development of several dozens of GDB products by companies like Neo4j, Oracle, Amazon, IBM or SAP. In parallel, several graph query languages have been designed for querying these GDBs, like Cypherfor Neo4j, PGQL for Oracle, or GSQL for TigerGraph, which actually are quite similar. This situation has led to propose the creation of a unifying standard for graph query languages. This standard is currently under development, and is called GQL. However, GQL has gone beyond the expressive power of the above mentioned languages in several senses. In a previous paper we defined a logical and an operational semantics for a core language similar to Cypher, showing that the operational semantics is sound and complete with respect to the logical one. Now, in the current work, our aim is to redefine the semantics that we gave for Cypher-like languages to a core subset of GQL.