Rodriguez, Andoni

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IMDEA Software Institute, Spain

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  • Artículo
    On-the-fly reactive synthesis modulo theories
    Rodriguez, Andoni; Sánchez, César. Actas de las XXII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2023), 2023-09-12.
    The Boolean abstraction technique translates (i.e., Booleanizes) an LTL modulo theories specification into an equi-realizable LTL specification. This solves the realizability modulo theories problem. However, synthesis modulo theories is a different problem: the system has to receive valuations in a first-order theory T and output valuations in T . In this work in progress, we address how to meet this need without a pure synthesis method, but solving ”synthesis” on-the-fly by synthetising a Boolean controller from the Booleanized LTL specification and shipping it with a method that provides models in satisfiable instances of existential formulae (e.g., an SMT solver).