Lopez Nicolás, Guillermo

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  • Artículo
    A Software Engineering Experiments to value MDE in testing. Learning Lessons
    Escalona, M.J.; Lopez Nicolás, Guillermo; Vegas, Sira; García-Borgoñón, Laura; García García, Julián Alberto; Juristo Juzgado, Natalia. Actas de las XXI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2016), 2016-09-13.
    Controlled experiments are commonly used to evaluate Software Engineer-ing methods, processes and tools. Validating results of Software Engineering research in industrial settings is a direct way to obtain feedback about its value. However, few software engineering experiments are running in indus-try. The lack of communication between companies and research teams does not make the necessary cooperation among them possible. This paper pre-sents our experiences when running an experiment dealing with Early Test-ing at the University of Seville. It also introduces the strategy we followed to obtain the participation of 97 practitioners from 32 different software com-panies. Such strategy is pointed out as a set of guidelines to successfully in-volve this large number of companies and practitioners.