Ieva, Carlo

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Simula Research Laboratory Oslo, Norway

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  • Artículo
    Constraint Programming Meets SQL
    Caballero, Rafael; Ieva, Carlo. Actas de las XV Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2015), 2015-09-15.
    We present a proposal for introducing SQL tuples into the modeling programming language MINIZINC. The domain of the new decision variables is defined by arbitrary relational database tables indicated by the user. The new setting increases the expressiveness of MINIZINC, allowing the modeler to mix the usual finite domains already existing in the language with string constraints typical from SQL such as concat, substr, or like. In order to obtain the solutions of these combined models, we first replace the atomic constraints involving strings by boolean variables. The result is a standard MINIZINC model, which can be solved by any off-the-shelf solver. Then, each individual solution is applied to the remainder string constraints, which are then solved using an SQL query. We discuss how both languages, MINIZINC and SQL, benefit from this combination.